[drive] dreamed a dream so vividly like not just my eyes seeing all the stuff but i rly felt the place, i see w my whole body n by looking at what i saw somehow i can sense the feeling that i know exactly what i wanted to be seen.. as this —— the single word comes to my mind for me literally cant be said in public comment places but i dare myself to haha, i want off the feeling its been hunting me forever n id get chills all over, running through my body that kind of chill. quit feeling sry already y being so competitive, i can totally shut off (but what does it do? faking this thoughtful person? says by in bed babbling sht prepare to get out of bed to do some extraordinary things me
2018-11-17 to 20190301|| 因为朴树、小S和范晓萱看的结果发现阿雅非常棒成熟了很多有了自己的定位性格也特别好导演很会选嘉宾李诞那集让人印象深刻的反倒是活出了自己精彩人生的日籍华人李小牧范晓萱那集去见旱獭乐队刚刚听到他们唱歌眼泪就止不住了后面听到乐队主唱的老母亲唱歌更是哭到难以自已(有几期没看插的女人尖叫的动态图也不打算看了~)